# vue-awesome-countdown
(opens new window)
(opens new window)
(opens new window)
(opens new window)
Countdown plug-in with high performance and high accuracy for Vue (opens new window)2.5.0+.
# Installation
$ npm install vue-awesome-countdown --save
# or
$ yarn add vue-awesome-countdown
# ES6
import vueAwesomeCountdown from 'vue-awesome-countdown'
Vue.use(vueAwesomeCountdown, 'vac') // Component name, `countdown` and `vac` by default
# CommonJS
var Vue = require('vue');
var vueAwesomeCountdown = require('vue-awesome-countdown').default;
# Browser
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@latest"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-awesome-countdown@latest"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="path/to/vue/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/vue-awesome-countdown/dist/vue-awesome-countdown.umd.min.js"></script>
# Usage
<countdown :end-time="new Date().getTime() + 60000">
slot-scope="anyYouWantedScopName">{{ `Lefttime: ${anyYouWantedScopName.timeObj.ceil.s}` }}</span>
<span slot="finish">Done!</span>
<vac :end-time="new Date().getTime() + 60000">
slot-scope="{ timeObj }">{{ `Lefttime: ${timeObj.m}:${timeObj.s}` }}</span>
<span slot="finish">Done!</span>
<countdown :end-time="new Date().getTime() + 60000">
<span>{{ `Lefttime: ${anyYouWantedScopName.timeObj.ceil.s}` }}</span>
<vac :end-time="new Date().getTime() + 60000">
v-slot:process="{ timeObj }">
<span>{{ `Lefttime: ${timeObj.m}:${timeObj.s}` }}</span>
# SSR (Nuxt)
<vac :end-time="new Date().getTime() + 60000">
slot-scope="{ timeObj }">{{ `Lefttime: ${timeObj.m}:${timeObj.s}` }}</span>
<span slot="finish">Done!</span>
# Example demo
https://vac.js.org (opens new window)
# Props
Prop | Required | Explain | Type | Default |
startTime | false | Time stamp of countdown start | [String, Number, Date] | null |
endTime | when leftTime undefined | Time stamp of countdown end | [String, Number, Date] | null |
leftTime | when endTime undefined | Remaining milliseconds of countdown end | Number | 0 |
autoStart | false | Start countdown automatically | Boolean | true |
speed | false | Unit: millisecond | Number | 1000 |
tag | false | The wrap tag name | String | span |
# Data
The data can get it through slot-scop
or methods
Data | Explain | Default |
state | The countdown run state, the states are beforeStart , stopped , paused , process and finished | beforeStart |
attrs | The countdown component tag attributes | {} |
actualEndTime | Actual countdown end time | null |
timeObj | Look look | {} |
countdownTimer | The countdown timer function, Do not use as much as possible. | null |
actualStartTime | Actual countdown start time. | null |
runTimes | Countdown run times (The onProcess methods run times) | 0 |
usedTime | The total time consuming from the countdown to the end. | 0 |
# timeObj
"endTime": 1542634411361,
"speed": 1000,
"leftTime": 97019,
"d": "0",
"h": "00",
"m": "01",
"s": "37",
"ms": "019",
"org": {
"d": 0.001134247685185185,
"h": 0.02722194444444444,
"m": 1.6333166666666665,
"s": 37.998999999999995,
"ms": 19
"ceil": {
"d": 1,
"h": 1,
"m": 2,
"s": 98
# Slots
Slot process
and slot finish
will not display at the same time.
name | slot-scop | Position | Display condition |
prev | component _self | 1 | Defined, Controllable display |
before | component _self | 2 | On before start, state === 'beforeStart' |
process | component _self | 2 | On process, state === 'process' or state === 'stopped' or state === 'paused' |
finish | component _self | 3 | On finish, state === 'finished' |
default | component _self | 3 | Defined, Controllable display |
# Methods
The methods can be accesse through slot-scop
or $refs
Method | Explain | Parameters |
startCountdown | restart | |
stopCountdown | no | |
pauseCountdown | no | |
switchCountdown | no | |
finishCountdown | no | |
doCountdown | no |
# Event
Event | Explain | Parameters |
start | Functions executed at the beginning of countdown | vm |
process | Function executed when countdown is performed | vm |
stop | Function executed when countdown stops | vm |
pause | Function executed when countdown paused | vm |
finish | Function executed when countdown finished | vm |